Friday, December 14, 2007

Lessons Learned - Life is Funny

Last year around Christmas time, we were EXTREMELY BLESSED to have some financial help from some guardian angels at my husband's job. The outpouring of support was almost too much for me to accept. So in short, last year we were OK financially. Sadly though, on Christmas morning, Mike was rushed to the hospital with a collapsed lung. He spent the next month in the hopsital, at times touch and go. I was "OK" fiancially, but a mess emotionally.

This year, it is the opposite. To date, Mike's health has been steady (I won't say anymore for fear of jinxing). His mood has been great, so emotionally we are VERY STRONG this year. Financially, I'm having a tough time. It's been a difficult year and I'm feeling it more now around Christmas time.

I need to keep reminding myself of what's more important. Last year, while I didn't have to worry about my bills for a while, I was out of my mind with worry about Mike. This year, I am more relaxed about Mike, but concerned about our bills. I wonder if there will ever be a time when I can relax about BOTH.

Sorry for being a "downer", but this IS the reality of dealing with a horrific disease like Alzheimer's at such a young age, with 2 young children to care for, and a home to run.

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