Thursday, November 19, 2009

Even the Strong....

I started this blog a few years ago when Mike was sick as a way to keep my friends and family updated. I thought that if anyone "found" my blog along the way, it would also be a good way of raising awareness.
I've always considered myself a strong person. I take after my dad who did what he had to do, no matter what. He never complained, he was outwardly always upbeat and NEVER lost faith. I look back at some of my entries and it sounds to me like I complain alot, and I don't like the way it makes me feel. I don't want to complain and I don't like a "poor me" attitude, so I apologize if at times it comes across that way. I guess what I am trying to convey is how this disease can weaken the resolve of the strongest people. It can really take you down, and you don't realize it's happening. If I can feel the way I do at times, then what about people who aren't as strong as I am? It's no wonder that some caregivers break down.
This disease is a CONSTANT uphill battle. When one battle has been won, it's on to another and another, and the only way the war is over is when our loved one passes. This disease has no remission, no cure rate, no survivors.
Forgive me if at times it seems like I am complaining, that was never my intent. This blog allows me the opportunity to vent and teach others what living with someone with Early Onset Alzheimer's is all about, no sugarcoating whatsoever.


Kerry said...

I too sometimes wonder how people might perceive my posts. Then I think. This is MY blog and I am posting my feelings. Please stay true to yourself and post what you are feeling in your heart. You obviously are a strong person but that does not mean you should not post what you are experiencing at the time. Venting is very therapeutic. Please continue.

Carl in NC said...

I appreciate your posts, your openness and the way you care for Mike and your family. You keep you rhead held high and keep doing what you do :-).
Take care and God bless!

p.s. Happy Thansgiving!

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