Saturday, May 23, 2009


There has been nothing in particular that has kept me from writing, I just seem to be overloaded right now. Work has picked up a bit, which is good. I pray that real estate continues to thrive so that I can go back to my regular hours/regular pay. Time will tell.

The college process has also taken up alot of time. Now that Courtney has decided to attend Hofstra University, it's time to attack all the financial aid froms. It's overwhelming to me. Mike was always so good with forms and numbers, it was never my forte. I feel so out of my element AND then you add in the deadline factor, and I feel doomed. Work has been busy enough that I don't have the time to do anything there. That leaves me the evening when I'm burnt out.

Courtney and I sat down at the computer the other night and we were both bleary eyed. I pray that Courtney will be able to get a student loan. The financial burden this disease has bestowed on me has completely destroyed my credit, and I don't believe I will be elligible to co-sign a loan for Courtney. THAT IS the reality of this disease. Mike, the main breadwinner, was taken out of the workforce in his prime, leaving me to survive these last 8 years on one salary and his small ss disability check. Early Onset Alzheimer's Disease is definitely a completely different "species". Patients in their 60's and 70's do not have to deal with these issues.

On a positive note, Mike has been holding his own. Mike's aid Mary was told byt the agency that she was not to come back to us and we now have a new aid. I believe this was God's gift to us. As much as I knew Mary was creating more stress in our home, I didn't do anything because I was so afraid that we wouldn't find anyone else that could get Mike to eat and drink well. Elaine has been able to do just that and MORE. I pray that she continues to blend well with the family. She has already made some weird suggestions, but just like we have in the past, we ignore the small things for the greater good.

Brandon has gone out driving a few times and is loving it. He isn't as nervous as Courtey was when she started, but I'm not sure if that's a good thing. I don't want him to be too over confident and make stupid mistakes. He got his "real" permit in the mail with his picture on it and he is so proud of that. Next step, signing him up for driving school.

Happy Memorial Day. Let us not forget all those that have sacrificed so much for our freedom. I love you and miss you dad.

1 comment:

Carl in NC said...

That's great that God has provided Elaine and has made it a smooth transition. You are doing a great job, and I know that Mike is proud of each of you.

Take care and God bless,
